Chapter 2 Exploring
Your Personality and Major
I was inspired reading all your blog posts on
motivation. Motivation sets the stage for success. Many of you
mentioned careers and the economy as motivators for going to college. You
are more likely to be employed and to like your career if you have an
education. One of the keys to success is what you do on a daily
basis, so do a little of your homework each day and it all adds up to
Chapter 2 began with
the Do What You Are (DWYA) personality assessment which has a 4 letter code
used to summarize your personality type based on your answers in the
assessment. For example, my code is ISTJ which stands for introvert,
sensing, thinking and judging type.
Posting 1:
Choose one of your letters and write 100 words
about this aspect of your personality focusing on the positives of your type.
Remember that one personality type is not better than any other. Each
type has different talents that can be useful in your personal or career
life. You may think that you are a combination of 2 different
types. It is OK to describe your unique combination.
Here is a sample of about 100 words:
Based on the DWYA, I am a judging type.
I know that this is true because I can only feel relaxed when things are
orderly and organized. I plan my work and think about priorities when
managing my time which helps me to accomplish my goals. I even plan out
my vacations in advance and like to have everything planned so I can relax and
have fun. I have met some opposite types in my lifetime and try to
appreciate their differences. I have found that perceptive types can
usually introduce an element of fun in the situation and they motivate me to be
a little more spontaneous at times. I’m still most comfortable with my
plans and don’t like to change them.
Posting 2:
Read another student’s posting who has the
same personality type as yours and write a response to their post.
Here is a sample response of about 100 words:
I am a judging type also. I could
relate to your need to be orderly and organized. I generally plan my time
and like to have all my things organized. I get stressed when things are
out of order. I have also met some perceptive types and I have to admit
that they drive me a little crazy. I like your idea of appreciating their
differences and just trying to have fun with them. I know that these
opposite types think I am too set in my ways. Being a judging type has
lots of positives. I plan to major in accounting and this seems to be a
natural fit for my personal strengths.
Just as a quick review, here is a brief
definition of all types on DWYA. Please review these definitions before
you make your comments.
private, likes quiet for concentration, likes to think before speaking
social, likes variety, sometimes speaks before thinking
works step-by-step, learns from experience, trusts what is concrete and certain
values imagination and innovation, focus on possibilities, creative and
calm and objective, makes decisions based on logic, analyzes emotions, likes
makes decisions based on personal values, values empathy and harmony, caring,
orderly, organized, work first and play later, follows a routine, meets deadlines
(Note: it does not mean to judge others!)
spontaneous, go with the flow, play first and do the work later, dislike
routine, difficulty meeting deadlines