Monday, September 28, 2015

Chapter 6 Managing Time and Money, Sept. 28-Oct. 4

This new chapter is about time management and is one of the most powerful chapters in the text. For this week's discussion, share one of your lifetime goals and describe the time management techniques you will use to accomplish this goal. If there are obstacles in the way, how will you deal with them? 

For your second post, read another student's post and make a comment about it. Sometimes it is helpful to read about other students' goals and how they are managing to accomplish them. The first post can be longer and the second one can be shorter. 

I will share with you one of my lifetime goals and how I used the ideas in this chapter to accomplish it. My lifetime goal was to write a book on how to be successful in college because I struggled as a young college student and learned how to be successful. Then I taught the topic for 30 years. I had some time off from work and set as my goal to write the text. I found myself distracted by things around the home. I would get up in the morning and exercise, make myself a nice breakfast, read the paper and do a few household chores. Soon the day was gone and I had not accomplished my goal. I decided to work on my goal first and then reward myself with exercise and other things that I wanted to do. It was just a matter of rearranging my tasks. I still found it difficult to get started. I used the idea of a leading task. I would just sit at the computer, fill my head with ideas and start to write. Then I would refine the writing the next day. Within 6 months I had the first draft of the text written. Today it is used in about 60 colleges across the country. The CollegeScope material is my latest project. 

Ok, I have shared one of my goals and how I accomplished it. Now it is your turn. Tell about something you accomplished in the past or something you hope to accomplish in the future. See if you can use some of the time management ideas in the text.  


  1. One of my lifetime goals is to be able to be the first one in my family to graduate college. This has been my goal from when I was able to talk because seeing nobody in my family graduate college and having kids at an early age and saw the struggle of what they were going through motivated me to want to be in school and get a good education to provide for them. Some techniques that I will use for time management is planning what I will be doing in my life. What I mean by this is plan my classes accordingly, work, volleyball, and my social life. I will plan everything around school because that is my priotiy and I will always work my schedule around school. For me to graduate from college a accomplish that I will need to plan my classes accordinly and talk to the counselors to see how many classes I will need to transfer and graduate. There are a couple obstacles in the way which are volleyball and work but I make sure that school is my top prioity because it is important to be to graduate. I believe that work is one of the worst obstacles that I am having because it is hard to do homework when I work every weekend because during the week days I have school and volleyball. By having this obstacle I deal with it by being flexable and do homework at work such as on my breaks and lunch.

    1. Hi Kelly. Congratulations on taking he steps necessary to accomplish your goals. I know how hard it is to balance work, school, and your social life but it sounds as if you have found great ways to balance all of this. I too find work is sometimes my biggest obstacle in that it takes up quite a bit of my time, time that I would prefer to spend on my studies. Good luck on your future success.

    2. Hi Kelly. That's a great goal to accomplish. I agree that planning accordingly will help you be successful. Managing time is a hard one for me as well between work and school so finding a balance is a must. I do my work on my breaks as well.

    3. Hi kelly. It's great to hear about your future goals and all you want to accomplish. I must also praise you on how you manage your time. Working, studying, and playing a sport is a lot to handle, but with good time management, while avoiding procrastination, you'll be able to accomplish all your goals on time. Good luck on your future success.

    4. Good plan. By keeping your priorities in mind, you can reach your goals. Try to fit in some studying during the week.

  2. An important lifetime goal of mine is to graduate from college with a degree in computer engineering. This is extremely important to me because it will put me on a path to get a good job that provides me financial stability. I understand the importance of working while going to school but I will do my best to focus on school and homework as much as possible. A great way for me to stay focused and on track is to implement a schedule that reflects my work and academic schedule. This way I will know what needs to be done and when it needs to happen. Should I face any obstacles, I will have to remind myself of the bigger picture. I also need to remember that by completing the assignment I am working on I have finished one step in the process and the sense of accomplishment is rewarding enough to keep me motivated.

    1. Hello Mirna! The bigger picture is always important to consider when it comes to any decision. Sometimes everyone needs to step outside of their heads and ask themselves "Do I really want to do this? Do I really NEED to do this?" I have observed that some young people do not take in everything as a whole and focus on themselves. They want the newest technology or latest fashion just to be socially accepted when if they truly knew how to answer the question, "Do I really NEED this?" they would find they do not. Financial security is also really important in this time of our lives. Supporting yourself can be hard enough, let alone a whole family. I wish you luck in your educational journey and I have faith you will succeed in whatever you set your mind to. (:

    2. Hello Mirna:) I am sure that you will be able to reach your goal because you're really motivated. I think you are a great time manager because you are handling work and focusing the most on school. I am the same, I am attending school and working the two, but I know that school is more important for me and will get me where I want to be. Keep that motivation and never give up, I wish you best of luck in school and reaching your goal. (:

    3. Hello mirna! It is super important to focus on your career goal during school time and making sure not to get distracted by what surrounds us, I am pretty sure you will be able to reach your goals no problem as long as you follow what you believe in. After all, I consider school one of the most important steps of our lifetime. Keep the hard work and you will get to where you want one day.

    4. Yes, success is achieved step by step. It is what you do each day that counts.

  3. One of my important lifetime goals is to finish college and have a career that will help provide for my future. I feel as though this is important to me to ensure I won't struggle month to month and worry. A way for me to stay focused and motivated is to think about the future to keep me going. Also going at it step by step will help as well. I will try harder to balance work and school better because graduating college is very important to me. I will make sure to do all my work, receive good grades, control my time better, and not procrastinate to achieve my lifetime goal.

    1. Hey Heather, You have the same goal as me which is a good goal. I like the way you have stuffed planned out. Good luck with your goals and future.

    2. Hi Heather, I really like how you kept your goal very general so you don't have to drastically change anything on a dime.

    3. It helps to think ahead about the future you want for yourself.

    4. hi Heather I really like your goal and like how you are thinking ahead of the future that you want for your self.

  4. An Important goal for me is to graduate college because I will be the first one to graduate in my family witch includes all my cousins as well. Them not graduating keeps me motivated and it can show my kids that they can do it to. I want to get a degree in criminal justice and hopefully become a cop. It is also good to get a degree because it would help me a good job and make money to support my future family. They way I can do this is by not messing up in school, Stay forced and get good grades. Also, when I have road blocks I just need get around that road block and make sure I stay focused. One big road block is work but I just stay positive and work myself around it.
    Lawrence Kasshamoun

    1. hey louie, i'm sure you'll graduate and make your family proud. goodluck with your career and dont give up. i know that work and college is pretty hard, i experience the same thing myself, but as long as you stay positive you'll be alright.

    2. Lots of students deal with work and school. It takes good time management to do both. Just be careful not to overload yourself at school. It is better to take small steps than to be overwhelmed.

  5. One of my lifetime goals is to create a positive impact on the environment to help reverse the destructive damage the human race has inflicted on the planet. The most important “A priority” that I have is to graduate with an Associate's Degree in Botany at Cuyamaca College. Sometimes my “B priorities” (i.e. getting gas for my car) and “C priorites” (i.e. binge cleaning my room) get in the way of me trying to make time for the important things like studying for a trigonometry test or writing up an English essay that will help work towards my “A priority.” I am juggling school and work currently, which are necessary for me to reach my lifetime goal. Time management is really the key to success for us students with busy schedules. I find it best to just write down a list of things I need to get done, with due dates for important assignments. I just have everything I need to do and work on the most important things first to get them out of the way. I do not like the layout of traditional calendars or personal planners so writing them down works best for me. One of the major obstacles I face is maintaining motivation to continue on this educational journey. The cost of college and time sacrificed for school instead of leisure activities can get any young person feeling pretty low about their situation, not to mention issues in an individual’s personal life. However I hope to maintain a positive outlook. After I graduate and get my first beneficial real job, I will be financially secure and stable enough to go to whatever concert or festival I want to go to. As long as I have my supportive boyfriend and small group of friends by my side, I know I can succeed.

    1. I like your goal of having a positive impact on the environment. This is super important for the future of the earth. Keep that positive outlook!

  6. Important life goals of mine are to gradguate from college and earn my degree. I have seen many people struggling because they did not finish college. I want to accomplish the goal that I have made since I was young, which is to graduate from college and become successful in life. I want to be an independent woman who takes care of herself and kids in the future. I want to be able to manage the time of school and homework, with my work. I am doing great on managing my time. I will put most of my time doing my school work, and focus on everything that will get me where I want to be. I hope it goes this way, because they are both important for me. I have not been facing any obstacle because I spent all my time doing important things and don’t waste time on unnecessary activities.

    1. Hello Farah
      Great I hope you continue on this path. I like the idea of you finishing the important things first. Likewise, I always focus on the important things as well. Also, stick with your life goal and one day (InshaAllah) you will success in your life time.

    2. The new Generation Z is the age of the independent woman. Go for it!

  7. One of my lifetime goals are to be the first one in my family to graduate college. Connecting with that, I want to transfer to a university and get to the level of obtaining my PhD. so I can work as a physical therapist. During my whole lifetime I have seen family and friends struggle with having a low paying job and them going through the wrong path; doing drugs, getting pregnant, dropping out of school, and not continuing their education towards college. I want to accomplish these goals to show everyone and myself that anything is possible and to also set up a good example for my little brother which is currently in high school and family. The time management techniques that I will use in order to accomplish my goals are to plan my daily schedule accordingly and do everything at the right time for a certain amount of time. Obstacles that are in my way are my job and the gym. I will deal with these obstacles by planning my gym time earlier before school that way I could just get it over with and have more time for my school work and also work later throughout the day. I will also plan my working schedule accordingly that way it won't interfere with my homework time and have more time to focus on school work.

    1. Viviana, keep doing what you are doing and you WILL graduate. Anything is possible and if you put your mind into it, you will reach the top. Getting a PhD will be great. I give you a lot of credit because I could never do that and you seem like you are a intelligent individual. Good luck on your journey

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Vivian . you are going the right path and you have a good ideas about being successful and having a degree also . being a role model for your brother is a good idea that would motivate you forward . i hope you will achieve your goals and nothing will stop you because you are careful to achieve them . i wish you the best.

    4. Hi Viviana,
      I like the confidence that you have in your self, actually no one thinks like you in this time. Nowadays, the students don't think the way you think, they say that education is like any game you can leave it or continue, but most of they they leave it because they scare of keep going and that is why we see students do mistakes in their lives, they don't realize that these small mistakes will make their life worse.
      I hope you accomplish what you want and be an example for many students. Good Luck

    5. Sounds like you are on the right path to graduate from college. Keep going!

  8. Aladdin Zeedy
    Professor: Marsha
    Counselling: 120
    Objective: sharing one of my life goals, and new way of managing my money.
    Imagine you grew up with living with 24 people that includes: mother, father, sibling, and cousins. I grow up in a small house that had almost 24 people lived in. It was very hard to take showers or wash my face. I had to wait in line to use the restroom because all of us lived in my grandparents’ house. Because my parents had no money to move out. Therefore, I grow up having a goal in my life, and my goal was to help my family to leave that place. I worked hard in my life and every time I made money, I sent some of it to my mother to save up for the movement. And one day, my family and I saved enough money to move out, and the dreams come true. We rented a different house by ourselves, and everyone is happy. No one ever thought that we will move, but we did it.
    Regarding my money management, I have set new plan to manage my money. I simply set up a budget plan for every month, and I will not exceed it. Therefore, I got a piece paper and wrote the dates on it, and puts notes for every day I spend. I am sure it will work out perfectly because this chapter had taught me many things, and one of it, is how to manage your money.

    1. In addition, my lifetime goal is to finish my education and be a police officer. I have been going to the college for the last couple years. I need 1 more semester to finish my general education. It took time, but i never stopped

    2. Aladdin, that's great! You should be so proud of yourself for helping your family escape that situation. I know you'll be successful in finishing your education and being a police officer.
      In regards to your money management plan, I think that's a great idea! I might follow your structure too.

    3. Aladin, your stories are inspirational. You are already a success, but have some important goals to accomplish in the future. You are on you way!

  9. My lifetime goals include graduating from a four year college and obtaining a successful career. With that being said, I haven’t chosen exactly which career and educational path I am going to take quite yet, but I have always been interested in accounting per say. Hypothetically if I were to go down this career path, I would see myself working for a company in an office. My college journey has only half way began. I am to graduate from High School in June of 2016. From then on, I am able to officially start my college journey and chose which career and educational path I will forgo. I motivate myself to accomplish this goal by starting early and taking courses here at Cuyamaca. I also hope to someday get married and start a family.

    1. It is very helpful that you started college while still in high school. I did the same thing and I have not taken a break since. I graduated in June of 2014. Stay positive and remain motivated to accomplish your goals. Sometimes it gets frustrating that I have not taken a break. When you are getting stressed out and frustrated, remind yourself of your goals, where you want to be in the future, and how going to school is beneficial to the rest of your life.

    2. Starting college while still being in high school must be a lot of weight on your shoulders. Eventually, all the extra hard work that you are dealing with everything will pay off. Just how you said you still undecided about your major, high school is the perfect place to experiment different classes. For instance, when I was in high school I decided to take an extra class just to get more credits, so I took a physical therapist class. After me taking that class I realized that was something I'd like to do for the rest of my life. I am no currently taking courses that will help me obtain my associates and bachelors degree in kinesiology and then later transferring for my master's and PhD. Try different classes, participate in school activities or sports, it helps a lot with trying to figure out what you truly like.

    3. You have a head start by taking this course while still in college. Keep up the good work and you will go far!

  10. The most important life goal for me is to become a successful person in the banking industry then open up my own business after i gain the experience. one of the things i accomplished as a step toward reaching my goal is that i applied and got hired as a bank teller and i will work my way up to a banker while a finish my finance degree. another goal for me is to always look fit and healthy, i made a schedule for myself to go workout everyday in order to get more fit and hopefully i'll be able to maintain that for the rest of my life.

  11. The most important goal for me is to get a college degree and be successful. My goal is to major in biology and transfer to a university to study veterinary medicine. One thing that is helping me achieve my goal is that I volunteer with a large animal veterinarian and I have learned a lot by working with him. My struggle is that I procrastinate and school is not my main priority. I spend a lot of time at work, with friends, or exercising. To manage money, I am going to start saving a small amount of money from every paycheck I get.

    1. That volunteer service is perfect so you can get some experience with the topic. Going to school will help with your goal and i suggest you try and make more time with that to transfer quicker. Procrastinating is a struggle and i often have troubles with it too.

    2. Keep your goals in mind and take it step by step to help with procrastination. Just taking a small step to get started helps.

  12. My lifetime goal, like everyone else is to succeed and to graduate college one day and support not only myself, but my mother as well and return the favor. She has been my biggest supporter in this world and has done everything for me I needed. I want to graduate college and have a great career and buy her a home. I want to conquer the world and over come all my fears and anxiety. I don't want to let anything stop me from doing what I love. I have so many life goals that I am just staring on, and I just want myself to become a happy healthy person with a good head on my shoulders. I am slowly but surely getting there by attending school and focusing on it. I have been through a lot for my age at 23, and I truly believe that life is short and tomorrow is not expected, so I try and put in a lot of effort in anything I do.

    1. You have some important goals and are on your way to accomplishing them. Don't give up!

  13. My main lifetime goal is to be able to support myself and family. I grew up well off, but when the economy crashed everything change. My parents divorced, my mom lost her job, we lost our home, and we ended up living in someone's basement for awhile. Things have improved, but my mom and grandmother still struggle financially. I'd like to be able to get my degree, a job I love, and be able to give my mom and grandmother the life they didn't get a chance to have. I want to buy my grandmother and mother a house. I want them to never have to worry about anything else in life, because they've been through so much. I'd like to lessen the stress they have. Another lifetime goal I have is to be happy with myself. I struggle a lot with how I see myself and I'm not the most positive person, so I've made it a goal to work on improving my self esteem. I'm putting more effort in school and my job in order to make sure I can help provide for my family. I think by knowing that I'm able to help my family, I'll improve how I feel about myself as well.

    1. In a way I can relate to you. I didn't lose my house in the same way you did but in a way it is similar. My parents have always struggled with money so I do understand. And I lost my house in the cedar fire, so we struggled for a while. And we still do at times. It's hard in this world sometimes. As for your second lifetime goal, I also can relate. I am very self conscious at times and I need to improve on how I see myself. I want to become more positive as well.

    2. You have some great goals. Sometimes the struggles make you stronger and more focused. Keep going toward accomplishing your goals.

  14. My lifetime goal like many others is to earn my degree and complete the education needed to become a teacher, That to me would be a dream come true. Being at the help of others especially students and being a role model is something I would greatly love to do as career but also it would be like being paid to do a hobby, as far as getting there, my time management definitely needs to get better, my organization of things would probably help and it's all stuff I need to simply tighten up so that I can work better and more efficiently in school. With hard work and just the determination I know I can get things together so that I may reach my goal, I know it'll take focus, time, and definitely money but I'm still 18! Young and ready to go! I know I can't afford losing sight of that dream and I have no plans on doing so

    1. Nathan, I really think having a goal of one day becoming a teacher is great! Your idea of wanting to help others and being a role model for students is wonderful! I too need to work on my time management skills and I also agree that being organized will greatly contribute with improving time management. Sometimes writing the specific assignments you would like to complete on a certain date and time down in a planner can really help with your time management because it will almost act as a reminder for you to compete that certain task my that specific date and time so you are not running behind which can lead to you feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Good luck with your achievements!

    2. At 18, you are doing great with taking steps to accomplish your goals. Keep going!

  15. To be successful is the words that I always tell myself .the most important lifestyle goal I have is to have a bachelor degree in my major form university after college, so transferring to university is a goal that I had dreamed and visualized. I had started taking this class to be more organized and thinkable of what is most important and what is second and so I could transferred. I started working to get my language better because I am an ESL so I need time to get advance in my language so I could finish my degree and have a good job.

    1. You are making great progress with English. Keep telling yourself that you are successful and it will become true.

  16. I was always a good mom, but that was about it. I was out of shape, smoked a few cigarettes every night with my 2 large glasses of wine (after the kids were asleep), the house was a mess, dinner was a nightmare (I couldn’t cook anything other than bacon and eggs, spaghetti with (frozen) meatballs and frozen pizza). There was always a huge pile(s) of laundry and I always felt very inadequate when talking to anyone. I kept waiting for someone to come along and help me. My husband doesn’t care that the house is dirty and he doesn’t like many dinners other than the ones mentioned above so for him there wasn’t a problem. We were always broke and it was a constant source of stress. I didn’t like me, but I never had so even though it depressed me, I was used to it.
    I was at the grocery store buying laundry detergent again because I bought the small bottles of organic stuff for my children’s sensitive skin and I was upset about the price. I remembered having seen something about making your own laundry detergent so I looked it up on my phone. It seemed easy enough, was good for sensitive skin and ridiculously cheap. So I bought the ingredients, went home and made it. I can’t even begin to describe the feeling of pride I had over something so small. It was the very first step that started the ball rolling on fixing all the above things I didn’t like about me. I realized I finally needed to do what I was always telling my children to do: just try and if you fail, learn from your mistakes and try again. So I did, I learned to cook. I started cleaning and picking up things instead of ruminating about how unfair it was and not doing it because I shouldn’t have to do it all. I got an e-cigarette and started using that instead of real cigarettes. After about 4 months I stopped using that. I started going to the gym, they have child watch so I had the added bonus of free (minus the monthly dues) daily babysitter for an hour. I went for 6 months without much outwardly physical improvement then got the stomach flu and lost almost 10 pounds in 3 days. It was like the weight was just waiting for an excuse to leave my body. I discovered during the three days I was ill I didn’t actually need nor crave wine every night, so now I only drink once or twice a week. I continued to lose weight and now I am in shape and strong.
    Those are all small goals but together they were extremely life changing. I am a different person now. I am someone I like and am proud of being. It all started with laundry detergent, but that one accomplishment gave me the confidence I needed to realize I can do ANYTHING.

    1. Your story about small steps to me is inspiring. I felt the same way when I was in fourth grade. It was a rainy day and I was bored out of my mind, so I played around with some toothpicks and a hot glue gun. I ended up making a tower of toothpicks with a miniature elevator inside of it that actually worked off of a pulley system I made with rubber bands and wooden beads. I was so proud of myself that I couldn't help but show everyone what I had done. My dad was very impressed and told me I should be a Mechanical Engineer. To this day I have been studying for a degree and I have worked for a Mechanical Engineering firm as an intern for three years.

    2. Jessica, reading your story was very encouraging. It was inspiring and has motivated me to take small steps and make positive changes for the better. I agree that despite goals being big or small, when they are fulfilled it is one of the best feelings in the world. I also agree that one accomplishment can give you the confidence and make you realize that anything is possible with good habits and motivation. Thanks for your influential post!

  17. My lifetime goal is to be successful in my future career. Not only do I want a job that will help me financially, but I also want to enjoy my career. I don't want to be one of those people who wakes up each day, whining about having to go to work because they hate it so much. I want a job where I am excited to get up and work. This career for me as of right now would be photography. I have always loved taking photographs. Whether it is of nature and landscapes or it is people. I love it dearly. So as I go to college, my future goal is to major in photography and earn a degree where I can have a stable job helping me financially.
    As for my second lifetime goal, I need to work on myself. Not just how I view myself but also how I eat and how much I exercise. I need to eat more fruits and veggies. I need to walk more. As of right now I am slowly doing this. I have been eating healthier and I have been walking more. I have been drinking more water. I have cut out soda and a lot of sweets. I just need to fix the way I see myself. I am always so self conscious on how I look and if people are laughing at me. I am always scared that I will be judged. Everyone is judged and in order to fix that I just need to not care. I need to be positive and see the good in life.

    1. Enjoying your career is important for happiness. Sounds like you have found your passion. Take some business courses also since many photographers have their own businesses.

  18. My lifetime goal is not different than any other student's goal, it is almost everyone's goal. My lifetime goal is to get a Bachelor Degree in computer engineering, I was always willing to reach and complete my education since I was in the middle school, I was watching how people's lives change when they finish their education, they keep their head up when they walk through people and I always wanted to be one of them in the future and here I am, I finished my high school, I got a scholarship, I attended college and now I am doing all my best to finish my general classes so I can start with my major's classes after that. Any person on the earth has obstacles in his way to succeed, but I have learned that I can't get to the sweetness thing until I get through its bitterness, I got into too many obstacles, but I have found that these obstacles led me to the person I am today, I always learn from my obstacles and try to get over them and be better.

    1. Your goal was one of mine someday of my life, I am sure you will get it as long as you are doing your best. Getting one of these big degrees is a long and a difficult path, but its end worth all the hard work because I am sure it's amazing and full of pride. Beside, getting this degree will let you get a great job as well which is something great and builds a good life financially. However, I am doing my best to get a degree in health care for it is my passionate, and I am doing my bet with school beside working. Getting what we always dream about is one of the best things that could ever happen in someone's life. Wish you all the best and the success in your educational path.

    2. You have done a great job of facing your obstacles and staying focused on your goals. Make sure to take some prep for the major and major classes while you are working on general education

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I have many goals in my life, but the most important one is to be working in my dream job in the future. Three years ago, I was attending a Pharmacy College in another country but the circumstances didn’t let me finish the college. However, working in health care department has been my passionate and one of my most important goals. My only obstacle is I am out of my homeland, in new country with a different language than mine. To accomplish my goal in the USA, I don’t only have to study and attend college, I also have to learn language, and get used to everything new and different in order to everything gets easier for me. As a result, I am doing my best to be in a place that I love in the future.

    1. Your goal is so amazing. I think that it is so cool that you studied Pharmacy College in another country because my life goal is to move to and live in another country. Not that I wanted to be a pharmacy technician but its still pretty amazing you got to do that. It makes me wanna take a semester or year to study abroad. I honestly think that is probably the best experience anyone can have. I think that you can reach any goal.

    2. I agree that you can reach any goal. You have faced many obstacles and are still going strong. Your English is amazing too!

  21. My lifetime goal for my career would be managing a business or leading a business that's in a retail environment. One of the couple ways I would use to manage and achieve that goal would be putting a set goals for each month or quarter this way I can look back and see the progress I have made. Also in order to achieve this goal I would major in something that will help me reach my career goal. Also time management is important and it's super important not to get distracted by the things around us when we’re working on a certain project to achieve.

    1. Learning about time management is a great way to keep focused and accomplish your goals. This is important for business too.

  22. My lifetime goal is to graduate from college, hopefully reach my dream of becoming a pharmacist, getting married, and starting a family of my own. In order to do so I would need to set small goals for myself to reach every month. In my opinion, setting smaller goals for oneself makes the task easier to accomplish because one will not encounter an increasingly great amount of stress and feel overwhelmed. I plan to reward myself every time I accomplish something. Doing this will give me a sense of motivation and encouragement to continue moving forward with my journey of success.

    1. You are correct that the small steps add up to accomplishing your goals. Keep up the good work!

    2. I like the way you think about setting small goals that will contribute to your success in achieving your main goals. Keep up the work, I enjoy reading your posts weekly!

  23. My lifetime goal is to own a large scale business from the ground up. I want to make an original idea, sell it, advertise it, and be able to support a family with excess. I have to start small and strive to succeed here in college and also at my job in UCSD. This is the time in my life where a lot of decisions will affect how I do or what I do in the future so I think it is crucial for me to stay focused on just putting the next foot forward. I need to focus on my budgets as well. By staying on top of my income, I can manage my money and save to invest in my own business. I hope I can get there one day.

    1. Hello Jared, I really like your goal to own a large scale business it is very motivating. Focusing all your time and energy is one of the most important tools to be successful in anything in life. Putting everything aside and focus on that one important thing you are willing to achieve will for sure allow you to reach your goals in the best way possible. It is very difficult and stressing as I heard to work and study, but it is great to know that you are doing very well and successful in what you are doing. I Hope you will always can manage your money and save to invest in your own business.

    2. You have the right ideas for a successful business. I know it will work out for you. It all starts with managing your time and money.

  24. One of my lifetime goals is to become a missionary in a foreign country, like Mexico. I think my time management is to just be patient and get a job to save money. One of the ways that I would manage this goal would be to set goals for every few months. For example, for the next two months I want to save $1,000 for any upcoming missions trips or any long term ones. Also I need to save money to be able to work at the camp again over summer and that costs about $1,000 as well, so that would be my goal after the first $1,000 is saved.

    1. That is a very interesting goal Alex! As long as you doing something that allows you to be a step closer to your goal everyday, you will get there. Saving money can be tough since there are many expenses that need to be payed, so it is important to think positive and to be focused. I like how you said that it is important to be patient because that is very true. If you are patient, you will be able to handle many goals.

    2. Sounds like you have good ideas for managing your money to accomplish your future goals.

  25. One of my lifetime goal is to graduate from college with a computer science degree and work a job that is enjoyable and stress free. It will require a lot of money and hard work to get there. I have been saving money in order to pay for my classes in order to achieve this goal. I will also need to begin getting rid of any distractions that will affect me from getting to my goal. A schedule that allows me to balance time my time will also be necessary in order to finish things in a more timely manner rather than procrastinating. I will get there with no doubt.

    1. I have no doubt you will accomplish your goals. Just keep doing what you are doing. Keep up the good work!

  26. One of my lifetime goals is to graduate from San Diego State University majoring in architectural and civil drafting. The requirements it takes to reach this goal would of course start off with being a college student. So you would have to get into a college of any kind as long as that major is one that is offered at the college. The next is to get your gen eds out of the way so you should do those first. If you have extra room for another class then add a required course for your major onto that schedule so you can be ahead of the game. Then once your gen eds are completed thats when you start working toward your major and completing it as fast as possible but don't rush through it so fast that you don't get anything out of it. Then as you work on your transfer requirements then you can seriously be ahead of the game.

    1. You have the right steps for planning your education. Does SDSU offer your major?

  27. My lifetime goal consists of graduating from a four year college and achieving a degree that I am passionate about. As most people would hope for, one of my goals is to be successful and hopefully get married as well as have kids of my own one day. I am still unsure and undecided about the major I would like to pursue, but overall one of my goals is to end up with one I enjoy. I hope to obtain these goals by taking small steps that will lead me to this path. For example, by being persistent in keeping good grades in school and keeping myself motivated, it will lead me to keeping good habits involving school work. Each goal that I hope to be successful in involves taking small steps throughout my life to pursue. With positivity and good motivation, I am hoping each step will be followed through.

    1. Hi Lily Namou,
      I really have the same goals as you. I want to graduate from a four year college with a degree. Also I would want to get a degree in something that I would love to do and that I have a passion for doing. I would love to get married and start a family as well. Seeing my own kids growing up would be something I dream of all the time. Words couldn't explain how happy I would be if these goals come true. I have a opportunity to get an education and I am not going to let that slip away.

    2. Taking small steps and being persistent will get you where you want to go. Keep up the good work!

  28. One of my life time goals is to open my own business one day. It would really be a dream come true and one of the best days in my life. But in order for me to pursue this goal I would have to get a education and get a degree. I would have to go through college and take classes for a few years. I would have to really set my priorities throughout getting my degree. Of course i would have to really focus on my classes and then work and then my social life when I have time. But school and work would be my main priorities. I could get a internship with some business to learn about a business or how to run a business to help with my goal. Then i would get a job for about 10 years as a manager to have some more experience under my belt. Then my next plan would be to get to open a my business.

    1. Sounds like a good plan for starting your own business. Keep up the good work!

  29. One of my lifetime goals is to become a stock broker. This career has an above average knowledge of financing and money. They can invest and help other people invest. I will be required to receive my Brokers license. To do so, i must receive my insurance license and then make my way up to a brokers license with experience in the field and knowledge about financing. Managing time should not be a problem because my soccer season is ending and my schedule is easy to work with because of my early morning classes.

    1. You are doing a great job balancing school, sports and work. Keep up the good work!

  30. Hello,
    One of my main goals in life is to accomplish my bachelors degree in business administration and have a very successful career after graduation. My time management techniques I was, still and will be using to accomplish this goal of mine is to be always in time and always have my work done early and professionally. I will also work very hard to get the best experience out of myself trying to reach my goal and trying to enjoy the way to reaching my goals as much as possible in order to keep myself motivated. If I ever face obstacles like I had before, I will always turn to my friends and get back to the right track.

    1. Hey there Nanse!
      The way you accomplish your goals is perfect.Being on time and doing the job professionally is a great technique. I wish i could finish my work professionally but in my work environment, everything has to be done quick either good or not. I also agree with you that facing an obstacle is a good way to turn to friends or family for help.

    2. Your professionalism will pay off in the future. Keep up the good work!

  31. The most important lifetime goal of mine is to graduate from college with a degree in Criminal Justice. Its very important to me because it will put me on a path to get my dream job that provides safety for everyone. I understand the importance of working while going to school but I will do my best to focus on school and homework as much as possible. The days that I have homework on, will be the days that I put everything aside and focus on homework because school is more important than anything besides family. This way I will know what needs to be started on and when it's due. I hope that I face no obstacle while pursuing my dream but in any matter if it does, there's always a solution to it.

    1. Great post Istifan. I too have it as my goal to graduate from college. I can really feel your enthusiasm and drive just merely from your paragraph, and I know that you can get where ever you strive to be as long as you keep an attitude like that. Don't let anyone tell you differently. Good luck with your goal and in your future.

    2. Focusing on school will help you to get the career you want. Be persistent and take it step at a time. Don't give up!

  32. One of my lifetime goals is to become successful and make my parents proud of me. The time management techniques that I have to use is avoid procrastination, give school my time, and study, at least give in two hours for each class. It’s going to be a long and hard journey but it will all be worth it at the end. The obstacles that get in my way are, the main one which is procrastination. I will deal with this by setting a schedule on what needs to be done and If I don’t do this I need to think of the consequences that come out, like if I don’t study I will fail my test and I don’t want that. There is also stress. I can deal with that by talking to my parents so that the stress can stop building up. It’s going to be hard, but I’m willing to give it my all.

    1. Using a schedule is a great way to keep on top of things and to reduce stress. Keep up the good work!

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. One of my lifetime goals is to graduate from college. I have always thought that it was an amazing task that people did; I have always been taken back by peoples dedication to go to college and obtain a degree. When I was in grade school, it actually never occurred to me that I wouldn't be a college graduate, until I became a high school graduate. The largest obstacles that I face are as follows: myself, my family, and at times the cost for college. I can tend to get in my own way a lot as far as time management is concerned. I tend to try to prioritize my day in what seems to make the most sense to me, but I end up falling short in some aspect (as of right now with homework and quality time with my kids). All of which leads me into my next obstacle, my family. I love my family very much (as we all do), and having three and soon-to-be four girls, it weighs on me a lot to be a great mom and a good provider. I want to be able to spend time with my family as well as spend time doing school work, but lately I have been pushing one off to do or take care of the other. Last but not least, the cost for college is my next obstacle. Like most everybody, college is coming right out of my own pocket; however, having a large, young family, I find it hard being able to juggle the cost at times. I think I can justify most any cost to be important but find it hard to pull from funds at times. I know I can deal with these things and make the necessary adjustments to fulfill my goal; I just think I am lacking confidence in the matter. I think I need to keep adjusting my schedule accordingly and trying to seek help with family for child care so I can complete my studies. I am also currently trying to redistribute household duties to my husband so that we both can try to manage things with our schooling and make our home life a little easier (he is trying to obtain the same goal as well). As far as cost, we have looked into loans, FAFSA, and scholarships. We were finally approved for the FAFSA which is a tremendous help, we have not done any loans as of yet, and we have not been awarded any scholarships (but still trying). It is getting easier to deal with cost, but it may be a whole other story when we transfer to a 4-year college (something that will happen eventually). Right now, everything is a work in progress. I don't have a lot figured out besides the fact that I can't give up now, and I will run myself into the ground trying to make this happen. I want to graduate for myself as well as for my family, not only to be a better provider, but to be able to show my daughters that I did it. I want them to see the significance in getting an education and the dedication it takes to get there. I know that these are only my current struggles and that things may not get much easier as time goes on, but I want it more than ever. It's all just trial and error from here on out.

  35. I enjoyed reading your personal story. I know that it is difficult having children and going to college since I did this myself. Ask for help from family since it is good for children to have an extended family and to be close to them. Keep looking into financial aid and scholarships since your education may depend on some financial assistance. You have determination and motivation, but take it slowly so that you don't become frustrated and give up. Going to school part time and being successful is so much better than being stressed out and giving up. You are doing a great job in this course. Keep up the good work!


  36. One of my life time goals is to complete my education and become a large animal veterinarian.Some time management techniques I plan to use are writing my schedule out in a planner everyday for that week. exact times and everything to make sure I will have time to go to school and work and have time for homework after. there may be a couple challenges in the way like being really tired for going to school and work everyday and staying up late to complete homework late at night after work and people telling me I cannot do it and I will just not listen to them.

    1. Writing out your schedule in a planner is a great idea! I have people telling me I can't do it as well and you just have to let it go in one ear and out the other.

  37. Yes, you can do it. Listen to your own voice.

  38. Some of my lifetime goals are to graduate from college, and engage in a career with the degree I will receive, get married, and start my own family. In order for myself to achieve these lifetime goals, I will have to make sure that I do not get distracted when I am on this path for success. By setting goals that are easier to accomplish during my journey is how I will be able to succeed with my main goals. When I am able to achieve the little goals, I will reward myself in order to give myself the motivation to complete these goals.

    1. Make sure to stay focused in school. Don't allow any distractions to stop you from achieving your goal of getting a degree.

  39. One of my important lifetime goals is becoming independent. I want to be able to financially support myself. I have been dependent upon my parents my whole life; I do not want to have to be reliant on anyone else. But in order to for me to do so, I believe that getting a college degree while going to working my part-time job, will help me start to work towards my goal. I feel that by having a degree will help better my career options; and with a better career, comes a better income.
