Monday, October 5, 2015

Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading, Oct. 5-11

I enjoyed reading about all your goals and time management strategies on the blog last week. Many of you have challenges with work, family, school and social life. Keeping your focus on your priorities, breaking the tasks into small parts and finding a reward will keep you on the right path.

For this week, read the following situations and comment on two of them using ideas from Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading. Have a great week.

1.            You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
2.            In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
3.            You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
4.            You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
5.            You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
6.            You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
7.            You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
8.            You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
9.            Comment on any other students' posts.  

10.          Comment on the video, Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep


  1. 1. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    ** I would start by going back through the text and skimming over it to get a general idea of what the chapter is about. After that I will start writing down my thoughts and ideas along with marking key words and ideas. After doing all of that I could go back and review if I forgot or missed anything.

    2. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    *** I must try to find a way to develop an interest. I would try to find things about it that could get me more into it.Along with developing an interest, I would try motivating myself to complete the requirement by thinking of the long run.

    1. Hello Heather,
      I agree with you by making the American history subject interesting. Also, motivation is the "Key" In addition to your comments, I will highly encourage you to use videos. You can find many videos on You Tube as well. This will give you a good idea about the subject because they mix it with photos or videos. However, everyone use his/her own way of learning.
      Very respectfully,

    2. Thanks for getting off to a good start with your ideas about dealing with common challenges in college. It is also a good idea to skim over the chapter before class so you are somewhat familiar with the material in the lecture.

    3. Hey heather I really Like your ideas. I like how you motivate yourself to do good.

  2. 1.You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    What I would do if I could not remember what I read is go back into the book and re-read it all but take notes on the most important things and write why they are important. Also, I would take the time to make sure I understand each world because the use of vocabulary may be difficult. To add to that I would use flash cards to help me understand such as; vocabulary, terms that are mentioned that are important or even events that might have happened. This really helps or even write an outline of the chapter.

    3.You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
    To make myself interested in a philosophy class I would try to get more involved and try to get to know the subject a little more. I would also try to talk to the teacher to ask if we could do group projects or individule projects so that the class is enjoyable. I would also try my best to enjoy the class and get a good grade to be able to pass the class.

    1. Hi Kelly,
      Good points. You have mentioned talking to teacher or trying to do group projects, or individual projects. I agree with you. this will make the class way easier.

    2. You have mentioned some important ideas here. If you don't know anything about a subject, it is difficult to be interested in it. The key is to find something interesting. Interest grows with familiarity and a positive attitude.

  3. Aladdin
    2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    In this case, the best way to divide the material into ten categories. I personally still learning English and other languages till now. Basically, take 10 names or words at one time. Break it into this way: Write single word flash card. Read it for 20 seconds (this will stay in long-term memory storing) if we do the math, 20 seconds times 10 = 200 seconds divided by 60 = 3.3 minutes. So, you can memorize 10 words in 3.3 seconds. As a result, you can read the 100 words for 33.3 minutes which is almost half an hour. After finish, do the review for 5- 10 minutes.
    This is how I do it. Trust me it works perfect.
    5. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    Just to let everyone knows, this acutely happened to me this semester. I took American history and it was boring, long, and hard to remember. I really suffered from it because every week I had to read at least one chapter that had almost 30 pages. So I read but I could not understand. If we recall, brain divided into two category regarding storing information. Right side, it memorize words. Left side, memorize visualize. (Chapter 7) So, we can read words, and remember but this will be using almost one side of our brain. If we read and watch at the same time, we will use both sides. So, I decided to watch videos on YouTube. As a result, it was super easy and interesting. Therefore, I highly recommend everyone taking history or other classes, use you tube videos. This way, we will use both sides of our brains.
    Aladdin Zeedy

    1. Good ideas for studying history. There is a wealth of information presented in an interesting way on YouTube. I often use it myself to figure out how to program my phone or learn new software.

    2. Aladdin – I love the way you broke down exactly how much time it takes to study and learn 100 words. With that perspective of how much time it actually takes, it makes it seem much easier and accomplishable. I was actually thinking to myself that I might now be able to memorize so many more words than I ever imagined I would be able to do. Thank you, you gave me a lot of hope. Also, I very much agree with you on videos. When I took the learning type test, it told me I was a visual learner, but I don’t learn very well from just reading, I need to see it as it’s explained to me. Khan Academy is a great source of educational videos and some of their learning modules include questions also. You seem to be doing an amazing job, keep up the good work! - Jessica

    3. Thank you professor, and thanks to Jessica. Yes diffidently YouTube is good way for learning. Somehow, it works for me and many people that I know. Jessica thank you for your beautiful words. We need feedback from others to keep the good works. Likewise, i need to see things to memorize them.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 1.You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    In this situation I would think of a way to understand the context better. As it is said in chapter 7, recitation is one of the good techniques for memorization. I would re-read what I didn't remember or quite understand and I would highlight the important parts of what I read. After highlighting, I would memorize that so I could do well on the upcoming quiz or exam.

    7.You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    I am actually not the greatest at math so I can relate to this. If I am enrolled in an algebra class and I know that it is my worst subject, then I would study harder. In order to succeed in the class I would have to have study groups or one other person help me who is better at algebra. I could also get tutored for help. In this situation, basically I just have to study and work with other people in my class to better understand what I am learning. Another way to help is to be positive. If you are positive then you will do better because you believe in yourself.

    1. Being positive is so important in learning math. It even relaxes the brain which makes learning easier. It is also very important to spend enough time studying math. I heard a math teacher speak this summer and he said that it takes about 10 hours a week to be successful in math.

    2. Hey Naomi,
      I like how you were just straight up and honest about how you would assess the situation if it were to come up. Surprisingly I find math quite easy and just a distraction sometimes almost like my drawing. So I sadly don't know how to help people with memorizing the information, however, I can help them understand it in different terms.

  6. Hello,
    -You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    I can not keep such a negative thoughts in my brain because such thoughts will lead me to do really miserable in the class and the rest of my math classes. I must maintain good and positive energy in such a class and try to learn everything step by step to get good results that will prove my negative thoughts wrong. Doing extra work to learn the material better, get help from those who enjoy math and are willing to help will for sure as well improve many obstacles I face in the class.

  7. Hello again,
    -You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    Thinking of a class such as history in a very boring way will now allow my brain to function and I will lose interest in the class, which will probably lead me to failing the class or getting a really poor grade. In order to be successful in that class, I must keep on telling my brain positive things and make myself more interested in the topics discussed in class, try to study more about them and follow up in the history from several of years ago. This technique will help improve my skills in liking the class and getting good grades as well as good information out of it.

    1. Great ideas for staying positive and succeeding in a history class. You can also try to visualize what it must have been like living in that period of history.

  8. 1.You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    1) I am actually taking economics and we are assigned a chapter weekly.
    Sometimes I would read the chapter but can not remember what is important in it. I have to go back and re-read it. It takes a long time for me to get the main points and what is important, especially when I am assigned to read 50 pages. When I know that something might be important I take notes of it and highlight. Before the test I usually make flash card and go over them. I have done it so much and it seems like it is working very good for me. I remember things best by making flash cards and keep going over them

    7.You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    I wish I was good in math but I am not the greats at it. I sometimes do feel like I can not pass a math class. When I toke algebra in college it was very difficult. I kept telling my self that this is the class I am going to have to take again next semester. My professor tried to talk to me and help me after class. I went to lots of tutors and I felt like I was getting better at it. In the finals I passed with really good grades.

  9. Flash cards are a great way to distribute the practice and it makes learning easier. Staying positive in math is really helpful. Keep up the good work in this class.

  10. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    I would go back and reread it or i would skim it to find what I need for the assignment . I would also write down notes so i can remember my thoughts.
    You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    If i needed to take that class to graduate and I know I am getting a degree I would be a 100 % forced no matter if it is boring because I want to get that degree.

    1. I agree with you in what you said, but there are some points too I want to explain.

      Re-reading is not always a good thing to remember stuff, sometimes when you re-read something that you want to remember, you will forget the other that you still remember and you will messed up everything. I tried to do that a lot, but I realize that when i get into the test, I remember everything.

    2. I agree that it is better to review the important points rather than re-reading the chapter again. It saves time and reinforces the important points in your memory.

  11. 1.)You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    - I have never been good in math at all and I struggle in math to this day. It is hard for me but I just keep reminding myself what my goals are and what I want for my future. I do not want to be stuck trying to pass my math classes the rest of my life. Its a constant struggle for me but I always ask for help even if It seems like a stupid question and the teacher is getting annoyed of me. I review my homework and all the notes and the text book until I learn the material and I am confident enough to pass my test and quizzes.

    2.) You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
    - In order to remember important names I always look at the first letter of their name and I try to think of other words that start with the same letter so it can help me and try to remember it and it usually helps me remember because I don't want to be that one person who forgets someones name when it is important.

    1. Good ideas on studying math. Some students don't graduate because of math and this is something that can be avoided with a good attitude and spending the time needed to study. Also it is important to ask questions.

  12. 1. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    in this situation, i would try to clear my mind of everything else and focus on what i'm currently doing because that allows my mind to relax and function better on the topic i need to focus on. and also i would force myself to focus by setting a deadline for me to finish the assignment that way i take it more serious.

    2.You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    in that case, i would'nt think of the class as a boring class, even tho i dont like history and my major is finance which has nothing to do with history but in order for me to take it and do good i'd have to convince myself that it is not boring and it's actually interesting so i can pay attention and pass.

    1. Yes, it is important to convince yourself that what you are studying is interesting. It makes learning easier.

  13. 1. When in this situation, is when you should clear your mind of everything and start to focus on what is most important by reviewing what you recently read. Also, when reading the chapter, you should underline important topics, and also write notes on the side in order to refresh your memory when reviewing the text.

    2. When you are required to remember 100 different muscles in your body, the best way to remember these is by making a list and going over it thoroughly. If you are not good at memorizing lists, another way to memorize the 100 different muscles in your body could be done by making a catchy song that lists all of the muscles, making it easier on you to memorize the muscles.

    1. 1. Awesome idea Donovan! I do agree with you in saying that clearing one's mind of any irrelevant thoughts and ideas in which may be distracting can improve one's ability focus on what is currently important is a great technique. I too think that underlining, highlighting, or even making a brief note next to an important detail while reading will help jog one's memory when they ever do come across that page in the book again. It will refresh their memory and help better their reading skills.

      2. Excellent strategy! Making a list and reading it over carefully can help with remembering the list of words. Making a catchy song is also another great idea because I find that I can easily memorize song lyrics so If I were to create a song incorporating the vocabulary words in which I need to study and memorize is a wise study skill!

      Great and helpful blogs!

    2. I like your idea of making a catchy song to remember long lists. Flashcards are helpful too.

  14. “You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.”
    In this situation, there are a couple of things I would do to proactively enhance my memory. I would start cutting out animal products slowly but surely until I could live off of a plant-based diet. After that I would start exercising little by little, starting with yoga and going on hikes. I would also start doing intellectually challenging tasks that I am unaccustomed to doing. For instance, if I played an instrument but have not artistic skill, I buy a sketchbook and start working on how to draw things proportionally. If I was artistic but did not enjoy reading, I would start reading more books on topics that appeal to me but I know little to nothing about. I would try to continuously challenge myself to learn and experience new things.

  15. After watching the video “Sleep to Remember, Remember to Sleep” I gained a better understanding of why sleep is so important. Many people have speculated in the past that sleeping and dreaming are ways for our minds to visit other dimensions. Much is still unknown about our dream processes, but for our sleep patterns it is a different case. Now that studies have shown that our memories of each day’s events are filtered why we sleep, it shows how vital it is to get a good night’s rest. I am astonished that our brain filters out what goes into our long term memory while we sleep. I remember pulling all-nighters in high school for AP projects and late nights studying. I did not do too well at first because of the all-nighters affecting my memory capacity. Instead of stressing out about the next day’s events, I know it is better to sleep than stay up late cramming for tests.

  16. 4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    If i had a mid-term in my literature class and had to read 400 pages in one month I would begin my dividing the amount of pages I would have to read each and every day. Doing this, can prevent me from procrastinating and having a hard time remembering information. Also, in order for me to stay committed to the amount of pages I should be reading every day, I will make a note to myself everyday and put it somewhere where I will see it so I won't forget. Another thing that would help me comprehend what I read everyday is being in a quiet environment where I could concentrate, make notes as I read and write a brief summary of what I have read at the end of each chapter. Reviewing and reciting will also help because it will help me memorize the information I had read preciously.

  17. 2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    Well, this would be hard for me because I am still learning English, but if I face this situation, the best thing I will do is draw a picture
    of every single word that I will not be able to remember or I will use codes to remember the hard words.
    When I was in Iraq, I was taking biology class so there are too many different, hard words that I need to remember, especially at the end of the year we have to read the whole book, so when I used to challenge with some words, I draw the page of that subject in my mind and try to remember the word. It was a good way to do it, it's like trying to remember your chilhoods' friends, but the names are different in this situation. Fortunately, I have a good long-term memory and I thank god for it.

    3. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.

    In this case, there is no way to love or hate these kinds of classes even if they were boring, I have or I must attend it and do the best I can to get a good grades in it.
    I always keep in mind that the thing that we hate will not still forever, while the things we love will be with us for the rest of our life. If I have to enroll this class for 16 weeks, I will get in it because I know that this class is one of my general education requirements and it is one of my steps to reach my goal.

    1. According to your first answer, I would 100% agree with you on that. My major is physical therapy and I will be taking human anatomy classes. Drawing pictures and putting it on flashcards would be a really helpful idea, specially when it's that many words. Dividing the words into different sections of how many I would be studying everyday will also be really helpful. Remembering 100 words in 2 days will make one mentally lazy and will be harder to remember all 100 words.

    2. Drawing pictures of what you want to remember is a great idea. I like your comment that the things we love will stay in our memory forever. Good job!

  18. According to the video " sleep to remember, remember to sleep"
    I always consider sleeping one of the best way to keep our brain healthy, it is just like having breakfast, when they say breakfast is the best meal and no one can skip it, I same as sleeping, It makes you clear your brain and let you rest and forget about everything happened is your day.

    1. I completely agree with you as far as having enough sleep and also it being important to something as having breakfast in the morning. I consider it like a quick reset for our brains to clear all the junk inside and start new.

    2. Glad you found the sleep video useful. Good job!

  19. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    what i would do is that i just go back to the chapter and slowly read it again with understanding the main ideas for the most important points and write in the margin some ideas that i understood so when i come back i would have some thing written so i could remember in case of forgetting. another way is finding some thing interested on what i read that make me more exited to read and understand more for example make it related to the daily life or life goals....ETC .

    1. Good ideas for studying a difficult subject. It is a good idea to skim the chapter before the lecture and then read the chapter focusing on the main ideas and reviewing them.

  20. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    one way to remember i believe would be divide the word to groups for example i could put them in a group with the different areas from the body( arms muscles, lags muscles.. etc) so i could memories groups first then the names.also drawing pictures for different muscles would be helpful ,when i was in high school i couldn't understand biology with out the pictures that shows each part of the body. pictures make me visualize and never forgot because picture stuck in mind easier than reading and memorizing .

    1. I like the way you are thinking about anatomy and physiology classes, it is really helpful. This semester I am taking a bio class which is almost the same as anatomy and physiology classes, and I have found out that reading a lot of paragraphs all together hurts my brain, while seeing a picture and studying it is way easier and makes my brain work memorize things with not giving much effort like if I just read it. And as you said, visualizing sticks better in the mind and brings things up faster. Pictures are best way to memorize things and how they work in science classes.

  21. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    Going through college, not everyone is going to enjoy every single class they need to take. However, thinking positively about every situation makes things much easier for yourself. For example, taking an algebra class while suffering with math can lead many people to stress out and think negatively. But in order to get through it, you have to think positively and make the situation better for yourself. For example, if you believe you are going to fail, ask for assistance for a tutor or friend who may be good at math. There are always many solutions to a problem, thinking positively and planning how to be successful ahead of time will allow for better grades, which will hopefully lead to a more positive perspective on math as a subject.

    1. I like your comment about thinking positively and planning to be successful. Good job!

  22. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    Planning and managing my time most efficiently will help to overcome this problem. For example, if I were assigned 400 pages to read in one month, the first step would be to plan and organize how much I will read everyday. I would grab my planner and try to split the readings with how many chapters or pages I should be reading that week. This way, I will finish the book on time instead of leaving it all to the last minute, which would cause more stress for myself because I wouldn't be properly prepared for my midterm.

  23. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    I would create flashcards that I could take with me when I am not home, utilizing every free moment I have to memorize the information. I could create games such as memory to help make the memorization process fun and keep me interested in learning the information. I would also create a visual aid such as drawing the parts of the body the muscles are associated with.

    1. This plan for studying anatomy and physiology will definitely work. Good job!

  24. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.

    I would repeat the person’s name in my head a few times to help commit the name to memory. I would also say the name aloud at least once. I am very bad at remembering peoples’ names so I find that associating other words to their names helps in remembering them. For instance if I were to meet someone named Jack I would associate their name to flap jack or jack in the box.


  25. 2. In this situation, I believe what is best is to efficiently organize and manage your time. For example, if given a week to memorize these muscles, I would split up the studying time each day. For example, I would study maybe 30 a day in a time lapse of 3 days and use the last day for the last ten muscles as well as reviewing. Making flashcards with each body muscle term and image would be a great way to study. Reciting the flashcards as well as rereading and visualizing until they are memorized is a great tip to successful have all one hundred different muscles memorized.

    5. I think positive thinking would be best in this situation. In order to be successful in college, you must have confidence and what you do and what leads to confidence is positivity and good thinking. If someone were to go through a class telling them self that they are uninterested and that it is boring, they are more than likely to not to well and be unsuccessful. In this situation I would motivate myself and remind myself about the good outcome that will come if I think positively and push myself to do well.

  26. Well if you were taking an algebra course because it is needed, the last thing you should do is tell yourself that you won't pass or you don't like it. Instead think about the ways you can compare the math equations to interests of your own. If you can't seem to master this then the next best thing is to fake an interest in it until it becomes an interest in reality. If you haven't been able to pass it before, that doesn't mean you can't try to pass it this time. Try to use the notes to help guide your brain in the right direction as far as studying goes. This will help benefit you in the long run with exams and tests. Also, it will help you on assignments later on in life, so you don't have to look at the notes again if you can memorize the equations and formulas.

    1. Some people laugh when I say fake it until you make it, but it is helpful to believe that you will be successful. Good job!

  27. 1. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    A good way to approach this situation is to next time follow the study system rules. First you should read the title and header and come up with your own questions about the material. Remember to underline or outline important data in the book in order to store long-term memories related to the material. If you do not fully understand the material, take your time reading it or take a break and come back to it later. Last is to review the underlined data and to again ask questions to yourself. You will have better access to the memory at this moment.

  28. 2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    The best way to memorize this many words at once is to make a peg system. Write down numbers going from 1-100 and the name of the scientific name associated or next to each number. Or you can use letter instead of numbers. Now that you have the words listed, you can make an easy connection between the different words, allowing you to better memorize them in order. This technique works because of the organization provided by the pegs and the power of visualization from the words listed.

    1. Flash cards work really well too. Good ideas for improving memory and reading.

  29. 1. First off, you want to make sure you are in an environment which you can relax and focus in. When you’re reading a text, it is important to highlight important or unknown vocabulary. It is also significant to highlight main topics/ideas. If you do not understand anything from the text, you should write questions on the side so later on you can ask your professor about it. Also, to help remember important ideas you can draw visuals off on the side. Another way to help remember is just by re-reading the chapter.
    2. When it comes to memorizes things, I mainly use three different techniques: writing it down, saying it out loud, and making visuals. When it comes to vocabulary or ideas, I generally first write it down several times, but in different colored markers. It helps make it more entertaining for myself as well as remember the material. In addition, I am constantly repeating out loud what I write. In addition, I am also more of a visual learner so by drawing pictures to connect with muscles would help me immensely.

  30. 1: In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    I would begin by thinking of a tune for a catchy or simple song. Then turn the muscles of the body into lyrics for that tune, similar to what the show Pokemon did to show kids how to remember all of the first 150 Pokemon. This method can be very memorable as people tend to remember songs more so than reciting random muscles and then leaving a few out. Another strategy I would use is note cards. I often use note cards to review for English tests with multiple new words. Review the note cards often and try to guess what each muscle is based off of a small description of its function. It is easy to remember things when you can use information to name what something is.

    1. Great ideas for remembering large amounts of material. The Pokeman cards are a good example.

  31. 5. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    Even though I may not enjoy taking the American History class at SDSU I would tell myself that I need it in order to graduate, and by taking this class I am one step closer to graduation and to my dream job so I just need to suck it up and take the class. Then I would also try to find interest in the class, and find something that I like in each section to make sure that I will do the work so that I pass with a good grade.
    2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    In my anatomy and physiology class I have to memorize 100 scientific names for muscles, in order to do this I would write it all down multiple times. In my AP Biology 2 class in high school I had to memorize the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species for all the animals. For that I would write it down then make acronyms for the different phylums and classes. A lot of the time I would sing the names of the different phylums to help me memorize them so I figure hey why not try this for the scientific names of the muscles in my anatomy and physiology class.

    1. Good strategies for positive thinking and remembering large amounts of material.

  32. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
    The first thing I would do is start an interesting conversation for a sensory detail of that person. Gather as much information as I can about that person just by looking at them, what they wear, how they walk, and what they mean to their business. Conclude the introduction by possibly asking for a business card and then shake hands firmly. Eye contact also helps the mind remember details about a person.

  33. I watched the TED talk on sleep and memory. I found very interesting as it pertained to both what we just went over in the class and what I was learning about in Psychology 140 about sleep. I also enjoyed the format of the TED talk as it was both visual and auditory for me. Not to mention they have a quiz at the end and I know that testing yourself on what you learned helps consolidate the memory. I also found it interesting that depriving yourself of sleep by studying more will actually work against you if you can’t put those memories of things you spent so much extra time learning, into your LTM. I have used Khan Academy for a long time now and am excited I found another reputable and very helpful website to supplement my studies.

    1. I am also a fan of TED talks. Glad you found the video on sleep helpful.

  34. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
    I would go back and read the chapter again but slowly, understand the main ideas in the chapter, highlight the most important details, and underline what are less important to remember. Once I do all of these, my mind will picture them all and become easy to remember. When I finish, I will challenge myself and bring up what I just highlighted and underlined and see if I am good with memorizing them, if not, I will read it one more time and write down the important things because writing helps me more with memorizing things.

  35. 6) In order for me to remember a persons name I would have to use the "remember names" technique. Ill first have to make sure i heard his/her name correctly. If i did not, ill simply ask his/her to please repeat their name. Then i will Immediately use his/hers name for example, "Nice to meet you, Marcello". Then ill mentally recite/repeat the name about five times to get it in the long term memory. Repeating the name is a good technique into remembering an important persons name.

    7) i will need to start making my brain believe that i am good at Algebra. And that i will pass this course. After all your brain believes what you tell it. So it has to be positive things. I can also think about the consequences that will happen if i fail. Like if its a requirement to transfer, i wont be able to transfer because im failing. Or i will have to go to summer school. And i dont want none of that. I should give it a try. I might even end up being good at it. Tutoring or getting help on the couse is a great technique as well. If you dont understand something, say something.

    1. I like your comment on how the brain believes what you tell it. Good job!

  36. 1. You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.

    First of all I would skim through the text before diving deep into reading it, second thing that i would do is to develop an interest about the topic and make myself relate to it one way or the other, also by visualizing what im reading about it makes it much more easier for me to remember it because I can always go back and remember that picture that i painted in my mind.

    1. Good techniques for reading. Review the important points once you have finished reading and you will have a better memory.

  37. 2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    I would recommend breaking things apart into sections, trying to cram in 100 names in your mind can be stressful and probably wouldn't be able to remember even half, but if you could memorize maybe 10 at a time then it can be easier to bits and pieces of information than just one long list.

  38. 5. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.

    Then try your best to find an interest in something within the subject, find something relatable that you can develop motivation to have your head up in the class, and if all else fails, think of it as something that you should be happy to complete for you to graduate and pursue more, keeping the bigger picture in mind and not letting a "boring class" stop you.

    1. I like your comment about finding something you can relate to in your classes. It makes it more interesting this way.

  39. 7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    If you tell yourself that you are going to fail, then you will most likely fail. The more positive you stay in the class, the better things will turn out. If you stay positive then you can get counseling and help from other students.

  40. 5. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    Try to find something interesting about what you are learning. Also, try to connect the past to now and the future to realize how much it has changed.

  41. 6. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.

    I normally repeat the name in my head more than 10 times. I keep repeating it until I myself know that I wont forget it.

    You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    Read each chapter carefully and summarize each chapter into couple sentences, so once its mid-term time, i would go over the Chapter ( sentences ) and take the mid-term.

  42. 5.You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    The first step I would do is to change my outlook on History. If I go in there thinking it's boring, it's going to be boring. I'd make sure I have a positive outlook on the history class, even though I might think it's boring it will be useful. I'll be able to accomplish my goals by taking the course and I'll also learn about the past of our Country.
    2.In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    In order to remember scientific names, I would start off by visualizing the area of the body where the muscle is located. I would also make flashcards and practice the review method that was talked about on CollegeScope. I would go through the flashcards quickly and place the one's I didn't get correct in a separate pile. Afterwards, I would repeat the process with the flashcards I didn't get correct the first time. I would repeat this process until I had no cards in the "not correct" pile.

    1. Good strategies for studying history and anatomy. Keep up the good work.

  43. 1. If you just read your economics chapter and didn't comprehend anything this is what i would do. I would look at the key points and take note of that and pay attention to those points while I'm reading. Then i would skim the chapter fairly quickly. Then reread the chapter and annotate the vocabulary and key terms. After i finish i would give myself an hour of resting time and get back to reviewing afterwards.

    1. Those are great ideas. I would definitely do the things you listed. They are actually things I do know when reading. Another thing that I like to do is to highlight and underline key information in different colors because I think it triggers me to pay attention; I actually find things/information easier when I go back after doing that. Great job.

  44. 5. If a class i take is boring this is what i would do. i would try to make a friend in that class who also thinks the class is boring and make a connection with him. After we're friends we can try to study the material together and make lame connections because the subject overall is lame. The connections would help with remembering because one student wouldn't understand it while the other remembered it in a weird way and they helped each other. We would make silly key phrases to remember a certain topic which would help in the long run.

    1. Working in a group is a great way to increase motivation, but it is best to select positive and hard working students for your group.

  45. 1. If I was assigned a reading assignment and it went in one ear and out the other I would try a couple of techniques that would hopefully make the information stick. One would be to make sure I attempt the read during my most alert time of day (for me probably the morning or early afternoon). I would also pick an area where I can sit down and not be tempted or distracted to do other things. Lastly, I would try to break up the reading, if possible, or take breaks during the read so I can refocus and think a little bit more deeply about the things that I had just read.

  46. 8. If I was worried about my mind "fading" I would definitely do at least three things to try to prevent it from happening. I would do puzzles, crossword puzzle, word searches, etc. to make my wheels turn and keep my mind fresh. I would make sure to keep reading books to provide a bit more of a challenge. In addition, I would take some sort of class to challenge myself mentally. I would mix up the classes and maybe even take one to learn how to play an instrument. Anything to keep my mind working hard and learning new things.
