Monday, October 19, 2015

Chapter 9, Test Taking, October 19-25

Please read the chapter on test taking and make comments on two of these questions:

1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?

2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,”  This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.”  Share your comments on the video.  Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general?  

3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

3. How do you study for a math test?

4. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

7. Comment on another student's post. 


  1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    This chapter has many wonderful and helpful ideas about taking a test. Many of us stat that I am not a good test taker. The mask behind this, is that we don’t have enough courage to face the exams or we have not studied at all. However, I am not talking about everyone, I am talking about some of us. This chapter had covered many values information about taking exams and how to prepare for it.
    Some of the most significant information might be helpful for the exams is preparing for it. So, there are many technique for example, reading notes, questions and answers, mind map, guessing the right answer, avoiding decoys, and breaking task into small peace.
    Also, the chapter had covered many important points about taking a test. For addition, relaxing and getting enough sleep before taking any test. This to avoid any anxiety. Also, taking deep breath, answering the easiest questions first, and skimming the whole questions can be a powerful and helpful ideas to success in any exam.
    What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    There are many ways to deal with test anxiety. The best way is not to fear from the test it’s self because at the end and no matter what you will have to deal with it, so it’s either he wins and you fail or the opposite you win and score high in the exam. But first remember you don’t have to act too much about the exam. I know many who always say “omg I am going to fail” “Man it’s hard I can’t do it, I’m going to fail”. Many researchers had improved that anxiety can make us forget things and also it make us very nerves. So, the easiest way to deal with all that is not to have any fear of any exam, and study hard, relax, listen to rain music because it help you relax more, and also test yourself before you take the exam. Because at the end, we have to deal with it.
    In addition, things to deal with test anxiety
    1. Relaxing and deep breath before any exam
    2. Exercising the best way to boost your brain and get more oxygen
    3. Preparing good for the exam, it avoid any anxiety
    4. Reading well and go back to the notes, prevent any anxiety
    5. Test yourself before any exam
    6. Ask friends or the teacher if they can help you

    1. Hi Aladin,
      Thanks for getting the discussion off to a good start. Your comments are a good summary of the highlights of this chapter. I like your statement about some students hiding behind a mask of not studying or not having enough courage to face the exam. Lack of studying will surely produce text anxiety. Keep up the good work in this course and have a great day wherever you are.

  2. “What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?”
    When you decide to cram for a big test, it takes a toll on you. You cheated yourself out of distributing the review over the period you had for the unit and it causes extremely unnecessary stress. We have all faced this sticky situation at one time or another. In order to avoid cramming, it is the most important to know when tests are. If you received a syllabus at the beginning of the semester, most assignments and tests are listed. Make sure to highlight these and look at your syllabus often to see how far along you are in the semester and to see what assignments are due. This will give you enough time to plan out your review process. Another important thing to remember is you are taking this class for YOU and you want to be successful. Prioritize your study time over leisure and use leisure time as a reward when you are finished reviewing.

    1. Natalie,
      These are all good suggestions for avoiding cramming. Yes, it does take a toll on students and the most important message is that students who do this cannot take advantage of distributed practice. Keep up the good work in this course!

    2. HI Natalie,
      I really enjoyed reading what you had to say in your discussion! You provided some important facts as to why cramming is not a good idea for any student. I agree with you in saying that to help avoid cramming one should be aware of when their test date is, review the syllabus, and to always out studying before anything else.
      Great post!

  3. “What is the ideal way to review for a test?”
    Since most college courses cover many topics over the period of one section, it can be overwhelming to try and study all the material at once. Reviewing begins when the new lecture topic begins. It is best to start reviewing within the first twenty minutes of learning new information. Go over the important points and look at examples of each. If something is unclear, use your resources to clarify, whether it be going to the instructor, asking your peers, or using the internet for an explanation that speaks to you. Then you need to schedule consistent review times that work for you to study the material again, adding in time to review new topic matter using the immediate review technique. Then the final review should be super easy and relatively quick if you keep up with the immediate an intermediate review techniques. The final review should be on the day before and the day of the exam for the best outcome. Breaking up the content and “distributing the practice” will relieve test anxiety and prevent cramming. The primary way to be successful in taking tests is to be prepared, which is the whole point of reviewing.

    1. Nice summaries I do the same thing as well. Yes and you right about scheduling is the best technique. If we set daily schedule, it will benefit us lot. Also, the 20 minutes technique you mentioned is awesome as well it improve our memory.

  4. 3. How do you study for a math test?

    -One of the many ways in which I study for a test is to firstly go over the material that I will be tested on. After I know what will be on the test, I go over the material and put aside what I don't fully understand. I go over my notes, quizes taken, and assignments to go over the material I do not quite understand. If I still have doubts I go on the internet and search websites that could be helpful for me. Lastly, I get in touch with my peers and ask them if they want to meet somewhere and go over all the material in general to make sure we are prepared. Going to the library is the perfect place because it is not only a quiet environment but there is also many resources. This is something very useful because we are all answering each others questions and learn shortcuts to problems.

    1. Hi Viviana,

      I agree with what you said, I almost do the same thing that you do, it's actually a good way to study for a math test because math is not a material that you can keep in your mind and try to use your imagination in it, if we do something wrong in one question, all the answer will be wrong and we are going to lose our credits, I really liked your idea about going to the library and also I prefer to study with someone I know in my course so we can help each other and maximize our thoughts.

    2. Going to the library is a great idea. They even have group study rooms that you can reserve.

  5. 2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,” This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.” Share your comments on the video. Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general?
    The video introduces the 4 stress control techniques that are now being taught to Navy Seals that has subsequently increased their success rate of making it through training from 25% to 30%. The four key techniques are
    1. Goal setting
    2. Mental rehearsal
    3. Self Talk
    4. Arousal control
    The video only explains the first technique which is basically having a goal but breaking it up into smaller steps, taking it one step at a time. Say you need to read a chapter of a text book, break it up into smaller portions. Tell yourself to just read the first section. When you have finished that section, set the next goal, or step, to read the next section. Focus on what you CAN do. I can read one more paragraph, etc.
    The second technique I am guessing is like in the book where you picture yourself succeeding. Imagine yourself studying, then reviewing then walking in and taking the test and doing well. The 3rd is self talk. I heard my 4 year old do this the other day when I was cleaning her newly pierced ears (her idea, not mine) and I could hear her saying to herself “I can do this, I can do this.” This is a small example, but you need to be positive and believe in yourself and talk yourself through things. The 4th one I have used when I am trying to go to bed and I don’t feel tired. Try to listen to your heartbeat and then slowly breath and purposely attempt to slow it down, also involves some self talk. Breathing slowly is important but not to slow you aren’t getting enough oxygen.
    I am sure there is more to these but that is the best I can explain it.

    1. This is an excellent review of the video. Your 4 year old is already very wise.

  6. 5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    As someone who was once a serial crammer I would say the main disadvantage is the feeling of disappointment after a test is over and you have gotten your grade back and it was not what you were used to getting or what you believed you could have earned. You know you let yourself down and it’s all your fault. Before the test, you feel stress from having to cram so much information. You feel fear that you are not going to be able to learn it all in time. You feel disgust that you messed up again. The reason I kept doing it though was not just the fear, but mostly so I could keep up the delusion that I definitely would have gotten a perfect score if I had just had studied more. I didn’t have to actually test that theory and damage my ego if I didn’t study the right way. The lies we tell ourselves huh? So now, that I am older and wiser, the best thing you can do is dive right in and at least try. Figure out a study schedule. Aim to finish way before the deadline so you have time for things you couldn’t control and plenty of time to review. Actually test yourself to make sure you remember the material, not just recognize the material. Test and test and test until you really do remember it. Then realize that hard work and earning a good grade has more lasting effects on your overall happiness and self-confidence than luck that you passed from cramming (because maybe you weren’t actually so smart, maybe it was just an easy test and you got lucky).

  7. How I study on my math test?

    For my math test, the way that I use to study is, I start studying the most important objects that I know they will be on the test, I collect all the ideas that I know, I review my notes or everything that belong to the math objects. I start bringing all the formulas up and try to separate them and know what formula goes with every question. After that, I start solving the questions that I don't know or I am challenging with and try to make the same question and solve it by my own way. After I get prepared, I review everything and have a good night's sleep before the test because math is a huge material and I have to relax to do all my best in it,

    1. Hi Dina,
      I completely agree when you say you collect all your ideas and bring all the formulas up. It is very important to know the formula in math, otherwise, it will be a tough subject to succeed on. This is probably the way I study and for me it works every time. I completely agree with all that your saying because this is exactlly how I study.

    2. Dina,
      This is an excellent summary of how to study for a math test. Try using flashcards to remember the formulas. Keep up the good work in this class!

  8. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    Some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety are: first, everyone should attend all the classes so we can have an idea about our class and we went over and not to be surprised when we read the test all once. Attending the classes is one of the ways to prepare for the exam properly, and preparation will give the students a good feeling that they will do well in the test. Second, students should get enough sleep before the test days so they rest their brains from the pressure of studying. Students also should eat a healthy breakfast before they go to the test, so their brain works better than when they are hungry. Finally, students should look forward to a better future and think positively about it, they should motivate themselves every second and get a boost, once they do that they will find out that the test became more manageable and they will do well on it.

    1. Zina,
      This is a good summary of how to deal with test anxiety. Keep up the good work in this class!

  9. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    What I do actually and recommend at the same time is to attend the classes and not to miss any, once I miss a class and attend it the day after I feel like I am so lost and don’t know what is going on in the lecture. Attending classes is very recommended because the professor sometimes gives some ideas about what and how the questions will be in the exam, the professor also sometimes write important things on the board that are so helpful to read and review them before the exam and predict the questions from them. I also spend time on studying during the weekdays and weekends so I don’t become overwhelmed before the exam, and when the exam’s day come up, I would be prepared already and I will only need to review and go over what we took quickly.

    1. Hi Zina,

      I agree with attending classes is very important because teachers sometimes tell students that they should know this because it is going to be on the test and if they do not attend class they will miss one of the most important thing that the teacher talked about. Sometimes they even give study guides for the test which makes studying way easier and when they do that student have a chance to get at least 80 on the test just from the study Guide

  10. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    First off, thinking negatively will effect your mood. This will not help you do well if you aren't confident. Be more positive. Some good things to tell yourself are "I'm doing the best I can." Tell yourself that you are well prepared and know the answers. Think positive and say that math is a challenge, but you can do it! If you are just confident and positive, then you will do well.

    3. What are some suggestions for dealing with test anxiety?
    There are many good, helpful suggestions in chapter 9. It says prepare for your exams by attending every class, keeping up with your reading assignments, and reviewing during the semester. These steps will help increase your self-confidence and reduce anxiety. Apply the principles of memory improvement to your studying. Some ways to minimize anxiety are: Do some physical exercise. Physical exercise helps to use up stress hormones. Get a good night's sleep before the test. Lack of sleep can interfere with memory and cause irritability, anxiety, and confusion. Take deep breaths immediately before the test. Visualize and rehearse your success. Do the easy questions first and mark the ones that may be difficult. This will help you to relax. One good thing to remember that chapter 9 tells us is remember, one poor grade is not the end of the world. It does not define who you are.

    1. Naomi,
      This is an excellent summary of techniques to deal with test anxiety. Keep up the good work in this class!

  11. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    A few ways to deal with test anxiety include being physically active and exercising to help you feel more relaxed and energized. Being physically active can also help ease stress hormones as well. Getting a good nights sleep is also critical in order to stay focused instead of barely being able to keep your eyes open during the exam. Taking deep breaths and constantly having positive thoughts such as, "I can do it”. Also reviewing the easier questions first, then moving on to the harder ones can help ease anxiety. In general, being well prepared for a test should allow you to become more relaxed because it means that you have put in hard work and effort to help memorize the information well and to be successful of the exam.

    1. Hey Amber! I agree with the suggestions you listed based on dealing with test anxiety. I exercise every single day, except weekends and I do find out that I feel more relaxed and feel more energized. I also get a better feel of concentration the next day in class. Getting a good night sleep is also important as you said because that also happens to me , my mind starts to get mentally lazy and my eyes try to shut down on me. Something else that I would suggest is eating a good breakfast before class, having an upset, hungry stomach really sucks because you loose a lot of concentration, all your mind is thinking about is food.

  12. How do you study for a math test?

    Listening to the lectures and concentrating greatly when in class is very important when taking a math course. If I miss one lecture, I can easily fall behind and become lost in some of the steps of the equations. First, I will make sure that I am attending every math lecture. Second, I will do all my homework in order to figure out which problems I struggle with. Third, I will ask the instructor for help or to briefly explain the problems I don't understand. Fourth, I will get tutored if I am still not understanding the material. Lastly, I will make sure that I am well prepared and confident in myself.

    1. Amber,
      This is a great plan for being successful in math. Keep up the good work in this class!

  13. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    The best suggestion I could give to people is don’t overwhelm yourself. Students often do badly on the test because they are very stretched and focus on negative thought. I suggest students to think positively about any test even if they did not study hard because over thinking will effect the person in a bad way. The best way to deal with anxiety is to be preparing to attend all classes. Take notes during lectures because it helps a lot when it is time to study for a test. Listen clearly to the teacher and highlight all the important details during the lecture. Before the test study as much as you can and skip the things that you already know and focus on what you are not sure about. Ask the teacher for help on questions that are confusing.

    1. These are good suggestions for dealing with test anxiety. It is important to start with positive thinking and then prepare for the test. Keep up the good work in this class!

  14. Students who often say " i am not a good test taker", should not think like that. They should think positive and they have a better chance of doing well on the test. They should review as much as they can when they get the chance and if its a math test with no note card available for formulas, they should study those formulas right before the test then as soon as the tests are distributed, can right them on the test a s a reminder. A good nights sleep is very important as well, along with a light protein and carbohydrate filed breakfast.

  15. there are many disadvantages for cramming information before a test. one is that the information doesn't stick and then during the test you forget. you should try to at least review your lecture notes for ten to twenty minutes every day and the information will stick. There are more advantages for studying before the test or exam in segments and not doing it all last minute.

    1. This is very true about cramming prior to taking a test because when you are trying to put things into your head, you are most likely not going to remember what you just put into your head and are going to have a very hard time when taking the test. Thanks for the tips on how to study before the test by managing time and going through the notes thoroughly.

    2. Carlos,
      I like your idea of reviewing the information 10-20 minutes a day. This will do a lot to improve long-term memory. Keep up the good work in this course!

  16. 4. The ideal way to review for a test, is to make sure that when in class, you were taking effective notes, so that when it comes down to studying, those notes will be the key to your success on the test. If you are able to have notes that are precise and contain key points, you are most likely bound to take a successful test. Also, you should not try and cram all of the information that is going to be on the test the night before, because that is what causes anxiety and you do not want to take a test with anxiety.

    1. Good suggestions about avoiding cramming and reducing test anxiety. Keep up the good work in this course.

  17. 3. How do you study for a math test?
    the way i study for a math test is that i write down all the problems and i start solving them, i never study it by memorizing things. also, after i think that i'm ready, i go on the internet and look up some random equations that is related to the topic and i write them down then i solve them and go back and check my answers.
    6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    for me, the best way to study for a test is to go to a quite place, but not home, and study with a partner, that way i dont get bored. i usually to Starbucks or the school library and study, and after im done studying, i go home and review everything by myself before i sleep that way all the information stays in my brain.

    1. Ragheed,
      These are excellent suggestions for studying for a math test. Keep up the good work in this course.

  18. Hello everyone,
    Some suggestion that I would give for dealing with test anxiety would be to prepare yourself for the test. Make sure you studied the information as best as you could have. Review everything that you learned in class. Review them section by section, and make sure you don't study everything at once. Get a good night sleep the night before the test. Wake up in the morning and have a good breakfast with some fruit. Tell your self that you will be successful. Finally before you take the test take deep breathes a couple of times. These steps should help you with your test anxiety.

  19. 3. How do you study for a math test?
    A couple of ways to study that have helped me grow and learn about the subject is writing down the formula and studying it every day. This helps so much because math is difficult now a days but if you understand and know the formula and know how to use it there will be no problem in being about to use it and preform it. Also, to help someone study for math test, you can continuouly go over problems that you may not understand or may not know how to preform them. Math is a tough subject to study because if you get one number wrong it is difficult to find where you went wrong and then you need to start all over. The more practice the better!

    1. Your comments on studying for a math test are wonderful. I like your comment on the need for practice. Keep up the good work in this course!

  20. Hello everyone,
    Cramming before the test is not the way to study for a test or a exam. It is going to be very hard to remember everything a couple of hours before the test. You are more than likely to forget some information that is important. This will lead to stressing about the test and could or will lead to not doing good on the test. To avoid cramming before the test try to study the information before the test and sections at a time. Set your schedule for the week and put some time in for studying. Dedicate time to study so you don't have to wait last minute to study. After each lecture when you go home or when you have free time just review the notes in the class. The main key for not cramming for a test is making time to study.

    1. Hi Ali,
      Great comments on test preparation. I like your comment about scheduling time to study each week. Keep up the good work in this class.

  21. How do you study for a math test?

    Practice what you've learned in class, review and take your own little practice tests, space out your studies but focus less on the random numbers and things of that sort that you would use in examples but get familiar with the formulas and equations and be able to identify what to do with them and making the math problem easier to solve.

    1. Nathan,
      I agree with your ideas, that is how I study for my math tests as well. I also think it is wise to be connected well with the people in a math class, in case a a day of class is missed. It is nice to have someone able and willing to help with notes. Getting ready for math tests can be easier when you study with a friend and interactively quiz each other on what you think the test questions will be.

  22. What are some disadvantages of cramming how can you avoid cramming?

    Obviously with cramming comes less actually studying and half fasting studying before a test doesn't usually end with a good grade. Unless you have some amazing memory after a quick skim over your notes. Avoiding it is just avoiding procrastination. Even with a busy schedule having well organized notes and taking 15min or so can easily be a step towards memorizing key facts and leaning towards a better test grade

    1. I like your comment about cramming is a form of procrastination. Most students have busy schedules and just 15 minutes to review frequently can be helpful Keep up the good work in this class!

  23. 5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?

    Some disadvantages of cramming include poor memorization of the material being studied and test anxiety. When you wait until the last minute to study and prepare for the test your mind cannot remember everything being read in a short amount of time. In order to commit material to long term memory you must review it over a span of time and in short amounts of time throughout each day. By cramming for a test you will have a feeling of being unprepared which can cause test anxiety and that could lead you to questioning your performance. Without having the appropriate confidence in your success on a test, anxiety can take over which affects memory and brain activity.

  24. How do you study for a math test?
    You study for a math test by attending class, reviewing notes and reading your text book, and by completing practice questions in your text book. By attending class each time they meet you will have the opportunity to ask the teacher questions as you are learning so you can understand the steps being taken. If you miss a class it is difficult to catch up on missed information and the teacher may not be available to answer questions since there is a new lesson that needs to be taught. In some math classes the teacher gives out practice tests that contain questions almost identical to what will be on the test but if you are not there to receive the practice test you miss an opportunity to have exposure to the material on the test. By reviewing your notes and reading your text book on a regular basis, and not cramming the day before, you are better able to commit formulas and important calculation steps to your long term memory which is easily recalled at the time of taking the test. Finally by completing practice questions in your textbook you are able to practice calculation steps and writing formulas which also aids in committing these things to long term memory which will only boost your success when taking a test.

    1. Hi Mirna,
      This is an excellent summary of what is needed to be successful in math. Keep up the good work in this course!

  25. Hello,
    The way I study for a math test is first turn off my cell phone to decrease any distractions it may cause. Second, write all the formulas i need to know for the test on flash cards and memorize them (flashcards are very helpful when trying to memorize math formulas). Third, I go through the practice test and do each problem, I then go through my notes and read all the examples the teacher provided in the lecture notes. Finally, I redo the practice exam as a test, and at this time i should be able to finish it fast and know everything thats on there.

    1. Hi Nanse,
      These are all great ideas for studying for math. I like your suggestion about turning off the cell phone. It is a big distraction when you are trying to study. Keep up the good work in this course.

  26. Hello again,
    The ideal way to review for a test would be to go through all the notes material that the teacher discussed in class and make sure that you are familiar with all of them and know them all. The second thing is to go through the homework and make sure that you can answer everything and understand all the material on the homework. Lastly, make flashcards of the most important things that you think will definitely be on the test and go over them multiple of times until it is time to take the test, by then you should be very prepared and very familiar with everything on the test.

  27. 3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    Some ways you can deal with test anxiety is to first be confident that you know the material going into the test. Then when you get into your class to take the test, breathe before the test is in front of you and take another deep breathe after its placed in front of you. Before you start answering questions, look over the test so you understand what you are needing to answer. Then start the test, if you are feeling stressed about time or how many questions are left, then start day dreaming about a favorite hobby and all the details of it until you feel relaxed again. The last thing you should do is start telling yourself negative things because this doesn't help at all.

    1. Hi Courtney,
      These are great ideas for dealing with test anxiety. Keep up the good work in this course.

  28. 5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    Well I know from personal experience that cramming before a test is the last thing you want to do. Cramming actually makes you forget some information that was previously there. In some situations cramming is all you can do, if this is the case then there are steps to helping you remember the information. Reading over the main ideas will help improve whatever your test score was going to be initially. However, cramming is still not a good idea because there is still room for error and that is never good.

  29. Study for Math Test:
    When it comes to studying for math test, try to memorize all formulas. Make sure to write them down correctly in your notes so you can use as a study reference. Then, when it comes to taking the test immediately write them all down on paper. Make sure to show all steps when solving a problem, that way if you make a mistake you can easily detect where you went wrong. Also, you need to write numbers neatly so can avoid mistakes and not question what you wrote. In addition, if you do not understand a certain topic, be sure to ask for help so you can learn to do it the right way.

    1. Test Anxiety:
      You can minimize your test anxiety by being well prepared and by using several different study techniques. If you put time and effort into your studies, you will have nothing to worry about. Not only will studying help you, but by thinking positive about the test too. You must visualize and rehearse your success. This way you will not be stressed when the time comes. Make sure to take your time, do not rush through it. But most importantly, if these techniques do not help you mentally or physically, it is important to go talk to a counselor so they can help accommodate to your needs.

    2. Hi Chrissy,
      These are all great ideas for avoiding test anxiety. Keep up the good work in this course!

  30. The correct way to prepare for a final or a midterm is through solid note taking and constant review of the subject. In order to know a subject, one must first research the basics of it. Through lecture and text, notes should be taken and then thoroughly reviewed. After taking well developed notes, it is important to read over those notes as soon as possible and repeatedly for about a week. Divide up the sections per day and study for the exam. The key to success lies in being prepared to take on anything.

    1. I strongly agree, note taking and reviewing are very important when it comes to preparing for the exam, Also its a great idea to divide up the sections for days or for certain times throughout the day this way you learn piece by piece and it all adds up at the end .

    2. Hi Jared,
      I like your comment about dividing up the work and doing a little at a time. This helps with memory and reduces anxiety. Keep up the good work in this course!

  31. 6. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    for me I have a lot of things to do in order to prepare for an exam. First of all, way before I even know I have an exam coming, I usually try to attend the class overtime and pay a lot of attention of everything that is going on and I take a lot of notes that I can use later to review and prepare for my exam. With all that being said, once the exam time comes. I first schedule study hours for myself throughout the day and I break those study times into small pieces this way I don not over think and start filling my brain with a lot of ideas and informations that I can not handle. So it is very important to go slowly and step by step this way you get a better understanding of everything and be more ready for the exam.

    1. Hi Robert,
      I like your comment about going slowly and taking it step by step. Great things are accomplished this way. Keep up the good work in this course!

  32. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?

    Many people struggle with taking tests due to feelings of nervousness and panic. There are many ways to help deal with test anxiety. One main thing includes consistent studying before the exam. Cramming the studying all for the night before the test is not wise and will negatively effect you. Managing and breaking down studying is a good idea. Eating a good breakfast as well as a good night of sleep gives you energy for the day ahead of you. Next, coming into the test with confidence helps one stay positive and do better on the test. During the test, staying relaxed and taking deep breaths will help one stay calm.

  33. What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    The best way to study for an exam is to consistently study throughout the course of the unit. Many people, including me, procrastinate and continuously put off studying, yet it later backfires. Cramming all of that preparation for the night before is a bad idea. The next tip is making sure you attend every class. This is very important. Every class contains information that is beneficial for the exam. Next, making sure that you get a full night of sleep and breakfast is a good idea. Also, study groups tend to help a lot. When you talk with other people about the subject it helps to remember all of the information better. The more it is repeated and said then the better it is memorized.

    1. Hi Lily,
      Your comments are an excellent summary of how to prepare for exams and avoid test anxiety. Keep up the good work in this course.

  34. What is your best idea for studying for exams?
    The ideal way to study for test and others is to have flash cards and read all your notes you have taken. Also, you should always pay close attention in class and to what the teacher is saying. Also make sure not to cram a lot of information before taking a exam. Try to study a little before you take the test so you can refresh your mind, just dont study the night before.
    Lawrence Kasshamoun

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. What are some suggestions for dealing with test* anxiety?

    Staying on top of test material well before the exam date helps you feel prepared to take a test. One should review material on a daily basis and start actual studying before the week of the exam. One main reason people experience test anxiety is that they try to study the night before an exam and do not feel prepared and think they will fail. Another way to beat anxiety is to believe you have done as much studying you can and when you sit down for an exam, think to yourself, "I have done my best." Reassuring yourself of your abilities and accepting the fact that the test is here and now will keep you calm. Anxiety can only hinder your testing abilities.
    Lawrence Kasshamoun

    1. Hi Lawrence,
      I like your comments about reviewing on a daily basis and then thinking positively. Keep up the good work in this course.

  37. 3. The way I study for math is to go over the chapter and look for any formulas. If I find them, I recite them until I have fully understood them. Math is mostly made up of formulas, so it is important to note all formulas that you learn. Every chance I get, I look at the formulas in order to be able to visualize and memorize it better. Another way to study for math test is to practice! Do your homework that is given in class in order to practice and better your skills. Remember to go back if you do not understand the material well. Math can be difficult but it can be simple if you clear your mind and focus. Take everything step by step.

    1. Hi Daniel,
      I like your comments about focusing on formulas and using visualization and practice. Keep up the good work in this course.

  38. 6. My best idea for studying for exams is to look over past quizzes in order to know what type of questions will be included in the test. Many tests are made up of some questions from past quizzes. It will also allow you to know the type of information to study. If the quiz focuses on a certain topic, it is probably good to understand the concept because it might show up on the test. You can also see your mistakes, and allow yourself to know which areas you need to improve on.

  39. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    I think the first step would be to stop thinking that you're not a good test taker. The student needs to believe that they're capable of taking a test and being successful in it. The majority of the time, my self doubt comes from being unprepared. I'd advise the student to prepare for the exam, that would help them be more confident in their abilities.
    3. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    Definitely visualize your success on the exam. Take a moment to acknowledge the fact that you're anxious instead of suppressing it. It's important to feel what you have to feel, and then move past it. Before starting the exam, you should take a few deep breaths, read through the questions, and answer the ones you know first. That way you have an idea of what to expect.

    1. Hi Cielo,
      I like your comments on thinking positively and visualizing your success. Keep up the good work in this course.

  40. 5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    I know from personal experience the disadvantages of cramming for a test. One big disadvantage is that you are exhausted the next day, all you want to do is sleep and you can hardly focus on the test. Another disadvantage of cramming is that you can not really remember that much of the information you crammed into your head the night before. You can avoid cramming by starting the study guide earlier like a week or two in advance. Also you can avoid it by reminding yourself of what happened the last time you crammed.

    3. How do you study for a math test?

    When I study for a math test I start by going over the questions that are the easiest for me to get them out of the way. Then I go on to the harder questions and work on them step by step. First I try to figure out what I know about the question. Then I try to get as far as possible on my own, but then I go to one of my friends or if I am at school I go to the teacher and have them help me. Once I am at home though I just try my best then go to school early so I can see the teacher and have them help me with the questions I got stuck on.

    1. Hi Alex,
      There are good suggestions on how to avoid cramming and how to be successful in math. Keep up the good work in this course!

  41. What is the ideal way to review for a test?

    Since college classes cover many topics over one section, it can be overwhelming to try and study all the material at once. Reviewing start when the new lecture begins. It is best to start reviewing within the first twenty minutes of learning new information. Go over the important points with someone else or a classmate,instructor.

    What is your best idea for studying for exams?

    What I would recommend is to attend the classes and not miss any lecture, once you miss a class and attend it the day after, you’ll feel really lost and don’t know what is going on in the lecture. Attending classes is very recommended because the instructor sometimes gives some ideas about what and how the questions will be in the exam, the instructor also sometimes writes important things on the board that are so helpful to read and review them before the exam. You would be prepared and only need to review and go over what we took quickly. Thats what i normally do and at the end of the day, i end up passing the exam with a great grade.

    1. Hi Istifan,
      I like your comments about reviewing and the importance of attending your classes. Keep up the good work in this course.

  42. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    The most effective ideas this chapter would provide for the test taker would be
    1. Prepare well for the test for example( study well , review the summary , have enough rest …ETC)
    2. Instead of saying, I am not a good test taker you could say I will do my best, and I am good prepare for the test that will be more helpful to do well in the test.
    3. Be interested in what are you doing for example you could put some rewards that will help you to be interested of taking the test
    4. Visualize your successful and the place that you want to be so you could motivate yourself to do well for the test.

  43. . How do you study for a math test?
    start early reviewing for the math test so you could have enough time to work on different types of questions. work on solving problems because for the math you need to practice solving problems so you could get ready for the test . make a practice test for yourself that will help to knew what you have problems with . you could go back to what you had trouble with on your practice exam.

  44. 3. How do you study for a math test?
    - I study for a math test by completing every single problem on the review guide the teacher provides for us and reviewing it over and over again until I feel confident that I have learned the material completely and can walk into the classroom confident with myself that I will receive a good grade on the exam.
    5. What are some disadvantages of cramming for a test and how can you avoid cramming?
    - Some disadvantages of cramming is staying up all night trying to learn the material so by the time it is morning time all you want to do is sleep and not even go to school and you will be super tired in class making silly little mistakes because you are had asleep. and by cramming you don't fully review the material more than once.

  45. 6. The best way to study for an exam is separate what you need to study and review a little at a time instead of all at once. Studying something all at once can result in stress and cause one to feel overwhelmed because absorbing so much information at once can be too much to handle. Studying handouts from the teacher, writing down hints the instructor mentions in class, studying the bold points in the text book, and only studying what the test will cover are excellent ways in which one can efficiently study for an exam. Flashcards are also extremely helpful when trying to remember and memorize important key terms.

  46. What are some suggestions for dealing with text anxiety?
    Some good suggestions into dealing with test anxiety would be, first, to approach the test with some confidence. Use whatever strategies you can to personalize success: visualization, logic, talking to yourself, practice, team work, and journaling.
    View the exam as an opportunity to show how much you've studied and to receive a reward for the studying you've done. Another suggestion that might work would be to be prepared. Learn your material thoroughly and organize what materials you will need for the test. Use a checklist. Most importantly is to allow you plenty of time. That means you shouldn’t rush. There is plenty of time and there is definitely no competition.

    What is the ideal way to review for a test?
    The ideal way to review for a test would be to study the material that you have taken notes on when you were in class. These notes give you an idea of what is going to be on the test. You should review your notes frequently so that they can be stored in your long term memory. If you start on top of things, you'll never have to worry about catching up. Read the textbook assignments, do the homework, and go to class. The studying you do on your own time will then be that much easier. Another important ideal way is one that many people seem to always skip. That is, get some sleep. A lot of us tend to study a day before the test and at night when you are falling asleep. It is important to give your brain a break and get your sleep. You should also consider in getting a good breakfast.

  47. 1. Students often say, “I am not a good test taker.” What ideas in this chapter would be helpful to this student?
    I think that the most helpful things to say to this person would be words of encouragement. I would tell this person that if the problem is because of the lack of knowledge knowing the material, I would suggest studying more often, not cramming, and saying positive things to yourself instead of "I'm not gonna do well." I think everything starts with the way we think about things. If we are negative then there will probably not be a good outcome, especially for a test. Staying positive will keep one a little more confident and focused to do good on a test. Also, it is a horrible idea to cram for a test. It is best to review in short intervals throughout the week/weeks and maybe do a short quick review before the class. It is important to take breaks when trying to study for a long period of time and to get plenty of sleep the night before the test. I used to cram all the time before I found out about the importance of getting a good nights sleep before the test, and since I've stopped doing that, I think I have actually don't better on tests. It's amazing of all the little things that make such a huge impact.

  48. 2. Look at this YouTube video at, “Test Stress Reduction the Navy Seals Way,” This 3 minute video shows some ways to be successful “when the world is on fire.” Share your comments on the video. Can the Navy Seals techniques be used in college and in life in general?
    I think that all the techniques mentioned can definitely be implemented into college and life. They are things that I try to do everyday. Sometimes I do the technique where they break up the day with my studies; for example, I would say to myself, I just need to do one more hour and then I can go to sleep. I have started to think about my days as though I need to take one step at a time (or one bite if you're eating an elephant). I always liked the idea of using a planner to write out my schedule but I haven't done it as an adult. As a matter of fact, I bought one a few weeks ago that I just received in the mail, and I plan to start using it soon. If these techniques worked for them, there should really be no question in anyones mind if they will work for the average person.
